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Welcome to Dolphin Class!

We are Year 3 and 4 and this is our lovely classroom:


Our class teachers are Miss Horton (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Tweedy (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).  Our excellent teaching assistant is Mrs Leary and she is here all week.

If you would like to find out more information about Dolphin class, please click on the Meet the Teacher PowerPoint (September 2023) and letter below. You can also find our Curriculum Overview for the current year.


For High Hurstwood Parents and children, please log in to your dB Primary account for further information and home learning tasks.

what we are learning about this term...

Benvenuto in Italia

Click on the image to the right to find out more.


Useful WEbsites

The following websites are full of useful information and activities to support your child's learning in school.  Click on the following links to explore further:

Times Tables Rock Stars:  A wonderful resource to help your child learn their times tables.  Your child will have been given personal login details to access this site.  Please do contact the class teachers if you need a reminder of these details. 

ICT Gamesa fun and interactive resource that has lots of maths and english games where your child can practise number facts, spellings and other key skills.  Click on the link to explore further.


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