Please select a page on the left hand side to know about topics linked to parents.
Parents are key part in everything we do at High Hurstwood. We welcome parents into school regularly for class assemblies/exhibitions, helping with extra-curricular clubs, parent consultations, volunteer reading, school trips/theme days and FHH events.
Parents can speak to our teachers are available at the end of the school day to talk over minor issues at the end of day. If you wish to discuss anything for more than a few minutes then please speak directly to the teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time. We can arrange longer meetings before or after school.
We welcome parent volunteers in the school and as part of our commitment to child safeguarding all volunteers in school must undergo a police check which requires completion of a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) form. These forms can be obtained from the school office, please contact Mrs Faulkner,
We operate an email service called School Ping for parents so that we can keep parents updated and remind them about activities going on in the school. Please ensure that you notify the school if your contact details change.

Photo of our Sponsored Walk FHH event, this is a really popular evenet in the Autumn with families going for a walk around tthe village. FHH sell refreshments along the way at a pitstop and then a BBQ back at school to finish the walk.