The School Day
- Children arrive at school (supervision starts) from 8.50am and the gate is opened by Mr Pollard. Children walk into the school building.
- Morning registration at 9.00am
- Morning breaktime between 10.45 to 11.00am
- Lunch between 12.15 to 1.15pm
- Early Years and KS1 children have a 15 minute afternoon break, times vary each day but usually between 2.15-2.30pm.
- School ends at 3.30pm
Total of hours in the current School Week = 32.5 hours
* We run a Breakfast Club if you need any extra provision from 7.50-8.50am, please click here to go the page.
* We also offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs after school from 3.30-4.30pm, please click here to go the page.
As of September 2023 we changed our timings after the Government Guidance that each school should have a school week of 32.5 week. You can see the letter below: