All About Me!
Stories, Toys and Transport
As we welcome you all to Leopard Class for the new school year, we will be learning alot about you. We want to know what you like, who is in your family and what your favourite toys are.
We will be reading lots of stories that have children in them who may be a similar age to you. In one of the stories, a little boy loses a toy that is very special to him and in another, a little girl has a very unusual guest who comes for tea!
We also be learning about toys that were popular a very long time ago and also be thinking about how toys and transport have changed since the Victorian times.

Learning More About Ourselves
In our Science lessons we will be thinking about how we change as we get older. Do we look the same now as we did when we were babies? Will we look the same when we are grown up?
We will be investigating our five senses and learning about which parts of our bodies are associated with each sense.
We will be learning how to keep ourselves safe when we are using the internet and sending messages electronically. We will also be making sure we know how to keep ourselves safe and healthy when we are in school and at home.