School Uniform
We strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform and it is an important element in terms of setting high standards and expectations at school. The co-operation of parents in helping us to set and maintain these high standards of appearance is essential. We feel that our uniform helps individuals to feel part of the school as well as promoting a corporate identity.
We hope that your child will take pride in wearing their uniform. Many items of uniform can be obtained from local or national stores. The school colours are sky blue and grey.
General Uniform:
- Sky blue polo shirt with school logo*.
- Grey V-neck jumper with school logo* or grey cardigan with school logo* or blue fleece with school logo*.
- Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress.
- Grey or navy tights.
- Blue and white gingham dress/skirt.
- Grey or black socks (no trainer socks).
- Black shoes (not trainers or boots).
P.E Kit:
- White t-shirt with school logo*.
- Navy blue shorts or Navy blue jogging bottoms.
- Black plimsolls (YR).
- Trainers (Y1-6).
Please ensure that ALL clothes are clearly named, some parents use stick on, sew on labels or written in pen.
Items marked with a * can be unbranded as long as they are plain and the correct colour.
Other items:
- School Book Bags & PE Bags: these can be purchased from our Fusion 1.
- Book bags for Years R-4. Years 5&6 may bring small back packs, instead of book bags. They may also wear watches in Year 5&6.
- Water Bottles: these can be purchased from the school office and should be named. Other bottles can be used as long as they are not too big or valuable.
Expectations also include:
- Long hair should be tied back with a navy blue/black hair band.
- Hair clips should be black or blue.
- No makeup or nail varnish
- No jewellery, except stud earrings
- No wristbands/bracelets
Please note:
- Children in Reception class are expected to wear a polo shirt all year round in order to enable them to change more independently for P.E
- You will find a School Uniform supplier website below (Fusion 1) and if you have any questions please contact the School Office.
- We stock many items of good quality second hand uniform –£1 per item. Please ask in the School Office if you wish to view our items.
Please see the links to supplier websites from our Uniform list: