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Welcome to Panda Class!

    We are the Year R class and this is our fabulous classroom:

Term Five April-June 2024

Marvellous Minibeasts! 

This term Panda Class will be finding out about the wonderful world of minibeasts!  We will be learning about ladybirds, beetles, worms, slugs, snails and caterpillars. We will be caring for and studying the Painted Lady caterpillars who are currently liivng in our classroom and observing the changes that happen as they spin their chrysalids and (hopefully!) emerge as butterflies!  We will be reading lots of fiction and non-fiction featuring insects, such as What The Ladybird Heard, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Spinderella, A Tadpole's Promise  and Superworm.  We will be outside as much a possible now that the weather is getting warmer, lookng for minibeasts and observing them i;n their habitats. This is a topic that the children themselves wanted to learn about and we are so proud of their enthusiasm and curiousity! We can't wait to fi;nd out ALL about minibeasts! 

Mrs Wood and Mrs Stone 



Our class teachers are Mrs Wood(Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Stone(Wednesday am, Thursday and Friday) . Our teaching assistants are Mrs Bath and Mrs Smith.

If you would like to find out more about Panda Class, please click on the Meet the Teacher PowerPoint (September 2023) and letter below. You can also find our Curriculum Overview for the current year. 

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